Truk Tujuan Khusus

Truk Tujuan Khusus

Menampilkan semua hasil 6

  • Truk dan Trailer Van Berpendingin 40Ton 4×2 Dijual

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    Truk berpendingin adalah kendaraan yang memiliki kompartemen berinsulasi dengan unit pendingin. Ini terutama terdiri dari sasis mobil, kompartemen berinsulasi panas dan pengawet panas, unit pendingin, perekam suhu di kompartemen, dan komponen lainnya.
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  • Truk Tanker Minyak 45Cbm Dijual

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    Truk tangki minyak cocok untuk mengangkut bensin, minyak tanah, solar, minyak sayur, minyak nabati, minyak nabati, minyak berat, tar batubara dan produk non-minyak bumi seperti alkohol, aldehida, benzena, eter dan zat cair lainnya, tangki biasanya terbuat dari baja karbon, baja tahan karat, dapat disesuaikan bahan tangki, kapasitas, apakah akan membagi gudang dan sebagainya.
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  • 8×4 45Tons Concrete Mixer Truck

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    Concrete mixer truck consists of a car chassis and a special device for concrete mixing and transportation. Its special device mainly includes power take-off device, front and rear support of mixing cylinder, reducer, hydraulic system, mixing cylinder, manipulation mechanism, cleaning system and so on. The working principle is to take out the power of the car chassis through the power take-off device, and drive the variable pump of the hydraulic system, which converts the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy and transfers it to the quantitative motor, and the motor drives the reducer, which drives the mixing device and mixes the concrete.
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  • Fire Tank Truck

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    A fire tank truck is a vehicle, usually double-rowed, designed and manufactured to be suitable for use by firefighters and equipped with various types of firefighting equipment or extinguishing agents for use by the fire brigade in extinguishing fires, assisting in firefighting or firefighting and rescue, in accordance with the needs of the fire brigade. A fire engine can transport firefighters to the scene of a disaster and provide them with a variety of tools to carry out disaster relief tasks.
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  • Truk Berpendingin untuk Dijual

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    Truk berpendingin adalah kendaraan yang memiliki kompartemen berinsulasi dengan unit pendingin. Ini terutama terdiri dari sasis mobil, kompartemen berinsulasi panas dan pengawet panas, unit pendingin, perekam suhu di kompartemen, dan komponen lainnya.
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  • Shacman Water Sprinkler Truck

    Sprinkler truck is suitable for all kinds of road washing, trees, green belts, lawn greening, roads, factories and mining enterprises construction construction, high-altitude building washing. It has the functions of water sprinkling, dust suppression, high and low level spraying, pesticide spraying, guardrail rinsing, etc. It also has the functions of water transportation, drainage and emergency fire fighting.  
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